little shepherds and hot guinea pigs
Dusk was setting in as we whipped down the 2 hour ascent in 20 minutes. Bit scary.
Other delights included tasting the cactus fruit from a local womens garden (so weird this sweet, lucious thing coming from such a gnarly spikey plant) and seeing the guinea pigs on a spit which is part of the old staple for these guys! (Blugh)
Mucho hat plaits
Cusco is such a beautiful city, a harmonious mix of Inca ruins and Spanish colonial architecture. There are hat plaits everywhere you look (You know, the wooly ones) as well as Llamas lolling around on the streets.
We are hoping to go exploring around the Sacred Valley over the weekend- Tims birthday tommorrow- and then to begin the Inca Trail on Monday. But, you see, Tim is a bit of a crook one... please pray that he gets well soon, so that not only does he feel better but so we can get on with the intrepidness. Gracias, amigos.
Also, sorry no pictures, our camera has truly died a death so we are on to the old skool disposables!!!
grace and wonder
When you are on holiday your wonder sensors perk up a bit ay? How can you not have your breath taken away at the sight of the sun setting over majestic miles of sand dunes?! Or at the Hola exclaiming parrots who want to be your mate!
There are a few nonwonderous moments too, like when your camera gets irrepairabley wasted by the iron in the sanddunes and you can´t post the pictures people want to see! Or like having the runs when your bus gets stuck in traffic for 3 hours in the middle of a desert. (Last nights bus trip was due to take 2 and half hours, it lasted 7! Tonights bus trip to Cusco is due to take 20 hours....!!!)
i guess, I want to have my sense of wonder nurtured on this trip to the point of no return. So that even in mundanity I can glimpse the grace and beauty of God in the big and the little.
Thirsty work
Bus to Pisco tommorrow.
ahhh, amigos!
At the supermarket I saw a giant corn on the cob, with kernels the size of my thumb. (This one was yellow but they had purple ones too) So, sweetcorn being my most favourite thing ever, I snapped it up and bought it back and cooked it up. It totally tasted like broad beans! Blughh. Not sweet corn at all... perhaps the first of many culinary surprises.
I am busting out with spanish all over the place, I think I am embarressing Tim. Every time I say something, I give him a proud nudge but I dont think he is down with it as much as I am.
Okedokio, Adios and Hasta Luego.
(By the way, to answer Glyns question... we are on our way to London to spend a few years there, via a bit of the Americas!)
phew. I'm human.
Finally, yesterday I got sad. Hurray!
Having our last church service at Mt Albert Salvation Army really sucked. It is truly the most inclusive and embracing community I have ever been a part of. As a church goes, it is so hitting the nail on the head- being utterly genunine, incarnate in the community, to the marginalised. Can a space like that - the values and ideas, the theology and outworking of that-be recreated ever? I will miss Mt Albert with all its curiosities and frame breaks very much.
And then last night we had one ginourmous Farewell Sundaes on Sundays. We didn't know how many friends to expect, I had in mind about 20, but in all about 90 loved ones showed up to eat ice cream and hug good bye. Such amazing people, that I am sad not to get to hang out with more and more.
Our corps officers (pastors) sent us out from Mt Albert as missionaries, to go and build community where we go. I so hope we can be faithful to the this, and the other things God has done in our minds and hearts over this year (thoughts shaped and values confirmed) - through church and other friendships- wherever we end up.
ooh, eek, ouch, argh
Passports finally both arrived this morning safe and sound, with a visa for Tim. A big wondrous sigh of relief, for they are a rather fabulous and helpful thing when you go travelling...
Not long to go now!!!
I have packed my bags! Even my toilet bag! Still 5 sleeps to go for goodness sake- this is the first trip ever I have not packed the night before. I am simply so giggleingly amped....
We also got a preview of London (Aotearoa styles!!)
Parihaka Peace Festival was just the most relaxing and fascinating time.
I have never seen so many dreadlocks, genuine hongi (Maori nose press greeting) and face moko (Maori tatoos) in my life! An amazing mix of people committed to Maori and Pakeha healing history, environmentalists and musos. Challanging speakers on justice, peace and biculturalism, beautiful weather, the raddest music- Katachafire, Kora and Dave Dobbyn rocked my world. This is a bit of Dave's gig-
Our hitch home was a pure God hook up.. all the way to Auckland, with awesome talk, she and Tim are from the same iwi, Te Atiawa and were able to talk about Parihaka and the regions history. Phew. Fabulous times. Now on to prep and the countdown for leaving in one week. ARGH! Hope you are all well! Peace....

'Appy New yearrr