
Sent Free

From Emilio Castro
"The kingdom of God is an eternal reality in God: it is the historical manifestation of Gods trinitarian love. God is in command; he speaks; he preserves; he purifies; he judges; he completes. He will gather up our tentative, parital, ambiguous expressions of obediance. Because we trust in God and believe in Gods plan for us today and in eternity, and we pray "your kingdom come"; because we look to the future with expectation and eagerness; we can, in faith, offer a cup of water, a word of love, the open hand of communion, all in God's name. Preaching the word, interceding in prayer, living in solidarity with the poor- these are all ways to affirm and fulfill our vocation as church. As a preistly people fulfilling our vocation, we obey our calling by pointing to Jesus the King in whose life every life can find a new begining" Sent Free, 1985

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